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7 Key Benefits of Having Regular Dental Cleanings and Exams

7 Key Benefits of Having Regular Dental Cleanings and Exams

Maybe you don’t jump at the chance to see your dentist, but you shouldn’t ignore those all-important routine visits, either. In fact, having routine exams is one of the best ways to protect your oral health and overall wellness, especially as you get older.

At Novi Family Dentistry in Novi, Michigan, Abir Faraj, DDS, offers routine checkups and cleanings to help patients of all ages reduce their risks for oral health problems and enjoy healthier, more beautiful smiles. In this post, learn seven ways those all-important routine visits can help you stay healthy. 

1. Preventing cavities

Cavities form when bacteria inside your mouth digest starches and sugars (their favorite foods) and produce acids as part of that digestion process. Those acids eat away at tooth enamel, making it easier for bacteria to penetrate your tooth and cause an infection.

Decay-causing bacteria thrive in plaque and tartar deposits. Regular cleanings and exams allow your provider to remove plaque and tartar deposits and look for early signs of problems, so they can be treated — and sometimes reversed — right away. Regular exams also offer an opportunity for fluoride treatments, which can help strengthen enamel and reduce the damage that leads to cavities.

2. Preventing gum disease

About half of American adults have some form of gum disease — mild, moderate, or severe — and that means they’re all at risk for serious jaw infections and tooth loss. Having routine exams and cleanings is one of the best things you can do to reduce your risks for gum disease and its complications

As with cavities, the bacteria that cause gum disease thrive in plaque and tartar deposits along the gum line. During your cleaning, we get rid of those deposits, helping your gums stay healthy and free of disease.

3. Early detection of oral cancers

More than 50,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Oral cancers can be difficult — or even impossible — to spot on your own in their early and most treatable stages. 

During every routine checkup and exam, Dr. Faraj examines you for early signs of oral cancer. If she notices suspicious tissue, she can take a sample for further evaluation, ensuring you receive necessary treatment as soon as possible.

4. Maintaining fresher breath

Most of us have had bad breath from time to time, typically after eating onions, garlic, or other foods with strong odors. These types of bad breath usually clear up after a thorough brushing and flossing.

Chronic bad breath is often caused by other problems, such as gum disease, tooth decay, or deep infections. Having regular checkups is a great way to determine the underlying cause, so you can enjoy fresher breath and prevent more serious oral health problems, too.

5. Keeping your smile looking its best

Plaque and tartar buildup are common causes of a dull, dingy-looking smile. Deeply pigmented foods and drinks and tobacco products can cause stains, too.

During your checkup and cleaning, we use special tools to eliminate plaque and tartar deposits along the gum line and on the tooth surfaces. Plus, we use mild abrasives and a special polishing tool to get rid of superficial stains for teeth that look whiter, brighter, and healthier.

6. Decreasing your risks for other health problems

Problems like gum disease and oral infections don’t just pose risks to your oral health; they may affect your overall wellness, too. The bacteria associated with many common oral health problems have been linked with serious medical problems, such as heart disease, heart infections, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, pneumonia, and premature birth

7. Limiting the cost of future care

You’ve probably heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to oral health, this couldn’t be truer. 

Like other health problems, oral health problems get worse over time, and that means the methods to treat them usually become more complex — and more costly. By “catching” oral health problems early, regular exams enable you to have those problems treated as early as possible, when treatment is much less complicated and much more affordable.

Are you overdue for your checkup?

Exams and cleanings only take about an hour. Twice a year, that’s just two hours of your time to improve your oral health and reduce your risks for oral diseases in the future. 

If you’re overdue for your regular exam and cleaning, that’s a problem that’s easy to fix. Simply call 313-646-7903 or book an appointment online at Novi Family Dentistry today, and give your teeth and gums the support they need to stay healthy.

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